All Saints Cemetery Information
We are grateful to the following members of our parish for their dedication and leadership in caring for Calvary Cemetery.
Cemetery Board Members
Andy Dauk, John Hoeft and Tom Loeffler
Cemetery Sexton
Frank Hodapp 243-3371
Should you need information on purchasing a grave site or in making arrangements for a burial please contact the Sexton, Frank Hodapp at 243-3371.
Click here to view available cemetery plots
Cost of a grave (lot) - cremated remains of two individuals or one casket and the cremated remains of one individual: $400 for members of All Saints Parish; $500 for non-members. $100 additional fee for 2nd burial on an existing grave.
Cost of digging a full burial grave: $830 + $20 staking fee = $850, $200 additional charge for Saturday, $600 additional charge for Sunday or Holiday. Snow removal charge based on snow depth and conditions.
Cost of cremation digging: $480 + $20 staking fee = $500, $200 additional charge for Saturday, $400 additional charge for Sunday or Holiday. Snow removal charge based on snow depth and conditions.
Checks to be paid to: Calvary Cemetery, % All Saints Parish, P.O. Box 217, Madison Lake, MN 56063
All prices subject to change.
Funeral Director calls Sexton. Sexton calls digger, grave staker and snow removal if needed.
Families work with sexton to purchase graves.
The permit with check should be sent to Calvary Cemetery, % All Saints Parish Office, P.O. Box 217, Madison Lake, MN 56063
Vault box required.
Urn and vault box required for cremations.
Calvary Cemetery is located north of Highway 60 just east of Madison Lake. It is a beautiful spot located between farm fields. The entrance to the cemetery was designed by Conrad "Cooney" Korteum. The archway with adjoining pillars is topped by five crosses. The inscription on the archway reads "Beauti Qui Moriuntus" - Blest Are Those Who Die in the Lord.